10 things I love to do the most and why?

Hi Guys! Hope it was a good day to you as it was for me. Today, I wanted to share 10 things I love to do the most and why? Do let me know the things that you love do the most as well!!

1. Poetry - It opens the door to an endless world where I can vent out my feelings, be what I'm and let my emotions take form into words. It just makes me feel relaxed and satisfied.
2. Motivational speaking- I'd like to speak to people, inspire them and bring them into positive light.
3. Gardening-  What a blessing it is to see a germinating seed you have sown, a magnificent tree or its beautiful flowers. Gladdening!
4. Pets- I just see God's love in them and love to be with my dogs. They will teach you what unconditional love is.
5. Philately- Started of from my school days and I'm still into it.  I'm always excited into collection of rare stamps.
6. Chess- Iam into this always when I'm feeling bored.
7. Cycling- Good way to rejuvenate and makes you feel relaxed.
8. Reading books (Non-fiction)- Love biographies, philosophy and history books in particular.
9. Music- Is anyone impervious to music?
10. Movies--Choosy, yet I watch war/history genre more.

Just wanted to share the below quote guys for your little thought!!

BTW tomorrow I'll discuss my top 5 favourite books and the reasons why its must read!!

Till then good night folks :-)


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