My top 5 fav books (Non Fiction) and why it is must read
My top 5 fav books (Non Fiction) and why it is
must read.
There is a well known saying that
you can't buy happiness but you can buy books and that's kind of the same
thing. Well, here I share my favourite books and why you should read them as well. Links provided will give you more detail reviews about the book.
1. My experiments with truth by MK Gandhi
This is an immortal book and a legacy for ages to come. It’s
an autobiography of Gandhi. This book is all about the quintessence of truth
and how truth and non violence had guided him in his struggles.
2. Warsaw 1944 by Alexandra Richie
Who can forget Warsaw uprising in 1944? A history of the Polish underground's heroic and
tragic 63-day struggle to liberate Warsaw from Nazi occupation. This
is a poignant tale of the same that recounts each and every event and tells us
about the complex legacy of some of World War II's most unsung heroes.
3. My life with Martin Luther King Jr., by Coretta
Scott King
A must read book wherein the wife of the dynamic and beloved civil rights leader
recounts the history of the movement and offers an inside look at Dr. King, his
sermons and speeches, her relationship to him, their children and family life,
and more.
4. Night by Elie Wiesel
An unforgettable memoir
of the holocaust by a survivor.
It is definitely one of the most important books to come out of
WWII. A book with terrifying power that speaks about the atrocities at Nazi
concentration camps and the author's own life experience under those
tragic/horrific conditions.
5. The diary of a young
girl by Anne Frank
One of the books I read
and read and read. Absolutely one of the most moving real life account of a
fifteen year old teenage girl and her family who had to go under hiding to
escape the persecution of Nazis in occupied Netherlands.
I recommend this book as it is a tale of love, hope and belief
amidst despair and tyranny. A poignant story and I give it five stars. I just
wanted to include Anne's quote, ''The spirit of the man is great, how puny are
his deeds''. So true.
guys, any suggestion of books that I can read further? What are your favourite
books by the way?
An unforgettable memoir of the holocaust by a survivor.
5. The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank
One of the books I read and read and read. Absolutely one of the most moving real life account of a fifteen year old teenage girl and her family who had to go under hiding to escape the persecution of Nazis in occupied Netherlands.